Thursday 18 April 2013

the last week of the term

Aloha I'm back for another blog post. Before we started writing today,  Nicola told us to have some sentence starters hidden in our blogs.

Here are the ones i remembered.... i love..... if i had a magic wand. 

Now lets move on to something else. Today we did passion time and I was finishing my sketch. I am sad that we will not go to Enrich for two weeks. -_- goodbye.

Thursday 11 April 2013

Stone carving prep

Hello and welcome back to my blog. Today I starterd my sketch for me to make for my stone carving.   This is my passion project. I am going  to make a beaver chewing on a piece of wood! At first I was going to do a weasel but then I chose a beaver for my passion project. We got a long time to work on it this morning. When I finished my sketch, I told Katie it was morning tea because she had forgotten!  The sketch was quite tricky because you have to sketch it out in 3-D (3 directions!)  I am looking forward to getting out in the stone carving shed and getting started ._.

Thursday 4 April 2013

The trip to Queens Park

Bonjour and welcome to my blog. Have you ever dropped a camera at Queens Park.  I know I haven't. Today at Enrich we went on a trip to Queens Park. We went in two different groups. The groups were Katie and Jenni with Josh's Dad and Nicola Daniel's Mum. I was in Nicola's group. We had to pick a partner to work with before we left Enrich. In my group, I was partnered with Daniel. We had to look out for patterns in our local environment. The 4 types of patterns we had to find  beauty, order, strength and survivability. We found a lot of patterns! We went to the bird avery.  We found a lot of patterns there. The bird I liked best was the cockatoo.