Thursday 26 September 2013

Lego animation

Hello today at Enrich we had to find our pirate names and my pirate name is Dead Man Spike Chum Bucket. Here is a picture to find your pirate name. After that we had to do passion time. I have changed my passion project to a lego animation with a boy named Josh, it is based on a prison break out. We have 2 prison cells ready right now because we started today and we have a helicopter. The helicopter is red and it is a fire helicopter. One prison cell has a door and white walls and the other one has bars and a roof with a plant outside it. That was my blog see you next time.

Thursday 19 September 2013

we are nearly there

Gut-an tag and welcome back to my blog.  Today I was going to eat some popcorn but I forgot to eat some popcorn so I ate my giant afghan. After that we had to do our affective study.  I am studying Dr Seuss and if you read my last post it will have a poem from Dr Seuss and a piece of art from Dr Seuss. From now on I will put a piece of art from Dr Seuss or a poem.  bye thanks for reading my blog. bye ps. we have nearly won the america cup. 

Thursday 12 September 2013

Affective Study

Today at Enrich I played a game of chess against a girl named Tara and I won. After that we had to do our affective study I am studying Dr Seuss here is a poem and a picture of his art work.

Later we have 3 groups for Patterns workshops, there is lego Mind storms.   Art and Word patterns. I am in lego mindstorms and we are working to build a rembot. A lego mindstorm can write things or drive with mini wheels, it has five sensors. There is a light sensor, a touch sensor, a sound sensor, a heat sensor and a motion sensor.

Thursday 5 September 2013

Chess clock or not?

Today at Enrich I played a game of chess against boy named Robert. We had two games. In the first game we had a chess clock but not in the second game. He won both games. After that we had passion time.  Today I finished my year 8 algebra :) and I'm in the the middle of year eight decimals. Bye see you next time :).